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Valentine Moghadam

Former Fellow


    September 1, 2001 — May 1, 2002

    Professional affiliation

    Professor of Sociology and International Affairs, Northeastern University

    Wilson Center Projects

    "Globalization, Transnational Feminist Networks, and Public Policy"

    Full Biography

    Born in Tehran, Iran, Prof. Moghadam received her higher education in Canada and the US. In addition to her academic career, Prof. Moghadam has been Senior Research Fellow and Coordinator of the Research Program on Women and Development, UNU/WIDER, Helsinki (1990-95) and Section Chief, Gender Equality and Development, Human and Social Sciences Sector, UNESCO, Paris (2004-06). The author of many journal articles, five books and co-author of one, Prof. Moghadam has edited nine books.

    Major Publications

    • Modernizing Women: Gender and Social Change in the Middle East. Lynne Reinner Publishers, 1993.

    • Women, Work and Economic Reform in the Middle East and North Africa. Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1998.

    • "Transnational Feminist Networks: Collective Action in an Era of Globalization." International Sociology, vol. 15, no. 1, 57-85, March 2000.